God Bless America - United We Stand




In Memoriam
Rhea Malone
1/1/1935 - 12/14/2003

Coal miners, anthracite historians, and advocates of a postage stamp to honor America's coalminers lost a powerful and tireless advocate on December 14, when Rhea Malone passed away quietly at her home in Laurel, MD at the age of 68.

Born in Pennsylvania anthracite country and a descendent of miners, Rhea was one of the founding members, along with Eric McKeever, of The COALition for a Coal Miners Commemorative Stamp in the fall of 2000.

Rhea's dedication and hard work helped the COALition achieve the collection of over 80,000 citizens signatures, the active support of over 280 elected officials, and thousands of column inches of media coverage. She was the glue that held this informal group of advocates together, informing them of successes and constantly encouraging them to do more. Through Rhea's work, the COALition took Pennsylvanian and retired miner John Vengien's 1986 stamp idea and brought it to the attention of the nation.

The miner's stamp, her family, her genealogy, her pets, and her friendships were Rhea's passions. And as her daughter Susan observed, "When our mother pursued a passion she was inexhaustible." The words that describe Rhea are tenacious, strong, self-reliant, resourceful, independent, and hardworking, words that also describe the coal miner ancestors of whom she was so proud.

Rhea's energy and passion will be impossible to replace. But there are many of us committed to the stamp effort, and we can recruit still more. We will continue our signature collecting and letter writing, further inspired by her perseverance.

To honor Rhea's memory, we are collecting funds which will be given to UMWA charities. If you would like to contribute, please mail your check to:

Rhea Malone Memorial Fund
c/o Diane Rooney


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