God Bless America - United We Stand




Memorial to Rhea Malone
Memorial to Len Sarnick

Welcome to
Coal Miner Postage Stamp
Web Site

NOTE: Email accounts disabled. Due to hundreds of spam emails daily, I am disabling the main email addresses on this site. info, vounteer, media and webmaster email accounts on coalminerstamp.com no longer work. In the future, I will set up accounts that will work, but for now to contact this site email us at nospam at coalminerstamp.com.

This site is no longer active. Since the death of Rhea Malone in December, 2003, the effort to promote the issuance of a U.S. commemorative postage stamp has stalled. The site you see here is as it was at the end of 2003, and is displayed to show the large amount of support that was generated up until that time.

While there is still a strong popular interest in the issuance of this stamp, any large scale organization promoting it no longer exists. Please feel free to sign the petiton to show your support, and maybe someday the stamp will become a reality.

Why do we want a Coal Miner Postage Stamp?

For the last decade and a half, perhaps longer, individuals and groups have tried to persuade the U.S. Postal Service to issue a stamp, or series of commemorative stamps, recognizing and honoring the coal miners of this nation. These groups have been small and localized, they did not adequately represent the vast scope of the mining industry in the United States. To the present time, these efforts have not met with success. Those wishing to obtain a stamp have not made the case to the Postal Authorities of the historical and industrial national significance of the contribution of coal miners to the industrial might of this nation. Coal mining, along with railroads, steel, and oil, have been the pillars of the industrial revolution in this nation. No one can deny the crucial importance of coal mining in the industrial and economic history of the country, and even unto the present day.

Coal mining extends back to the beginning of the founding of this nation. It is an overlooked industry until a time of national crisis, then all eyes are upon it. Millions of citizens of this nation are descended from coal mining families, and they would wish to see the hard and dangerous work of their ancestors memorialized in the form of a stamp, or series of stamps. We invite everyone with any interest in coal mining for whatever reason to join with us in our endeavor to obtain a stamp now.

- Eric McKeever

Welcome to our new Web Site!

We have moved our site from a Cold Fusion based web site to a PHP based web site. This dramtically lowers the cost of operating our site, which makes better use of donated funds. Over the past year (12/2003 to 12/2004) little has been added or changed here, so during the move much of the older info has been removed or archived.

Much of this site uses Adobe Acrobat. This allows everyone to view the documents we have, no matter what computer they are using. If you don't have Acrobat, you can download the reader for free at Adobe's website.

Thanks for visiting!


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