(By Mr. Speaker, Mr. Kiss, and Delegates Caputo, Amores, Anderson, Angotti, Armstead, Ashley, Azinger, Beach, Beane, Boggs, Border, Brown, Browning, Butcher, Campbell, Cann, Canterbury, Carmichael, Coleman, Compton, Craig, DeLong, Dempsey, Douglas, Doyle, Ellem, Ennis, Evans, Fahey, Faircloth, Ferrell, Flanigan, Fleischauer, Fletcher, Fox, Fragale, Frederick, Givens, Hall, Harrison, Hatfield, Hrutkay, Hubbard, Keener, Kominar, Kuhn, Leach, Leggett, Louisos, Mahan, Manchin, Manuel, Marshall, Martin, Mathews, McGraw, Mezzatesta, Michael, Morgan, Overington, Paxton, Perdue, Perry, Pethtel, Pino, Poling, Proudfoot, Prunty, Riggs, Romine, Schadler, Shaver, Shelton, Smirl, J. Smith, L. Smith, Spencer, Stalnaker, Staton, Stemple, Stephens, Susman, Swartzmiller, R. Thompson, R. M. Thompson, Trump, Tucker, Varner, Walters, Warner, Webb, Webster, C. White, G. White, H. White, Williams, Wills, Wright and Yeager)
[Introduced March 13, 2001; referred to the
Committee on Rules.]
Urging the United States Postal Service to issue a coal miner’s postal stamp.
Whereas, Our entire nation owes coal miners a great deal more than could ever be repaid for the difficult and dangerous job they have performed so that we could have the fuel needed to operate the nation’s industries and provide energy to consumers; and
Whereas, It would be fitting for the nation to recognize and pay tribute to the coal miners, both past and present, who have toiled so hard and who have made such major contributions to the energy needs of our country and its citizens; therefore, be it
Resolved by the Legislature of West Virginia:
That the United States Postal Service is hereby urged by the members to honor and pay tribute to the past and present coal miners of this nation by issuing a commemorative postal stamp in their honor; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Clerk is hereby directed to forward a copy of this resolution to the governor, the state’s congressional delegation and the United States Postal Service.